Life is full of challenges, every step of the way. A prolonged succession of failures, frustration, anxiety, stress, financial loss, professional drain, sour relationships, etc. are some of the reasons that many people are dealing with depression.
The thing to remember is that depression is very treatable, and improves with counseling.
How to Deal with Depression?
The best thing you can do is have the courage to talk about it. Reach out to a counselor, or to other people in your life. You would be surprised at how many other people are struggling with depression, but will never reveal their silent battle until you do. And realizing you aren’t alone is a huge help.
Realizing you need to make a change is the first step. From there, you can make efforts to bring an end to your suffering and escape from your anguish. That is when you take a U-turn to bring back joy into your life. Here are five quick tips for dealing with depression.
Eliminate Double Binds
- It’s common to be depressed when you’re stuck in a double bind. When you feel as if you are stuck between “a rock and a hard place”. In order to maintain your sanity, you must escape double binds. This is how you can eliminate double binds –
- Imagine the benefits of getting rid of your problems.
- Make small changes to restore a sense of being in control
- Accept or compromise with your situation.
- Make a choice of direction
- Change your outlook towards your problem.
Exercise - Active Relaxation
Exercise actually leads to relaxation. Chemicals called endorphins are released by your body during and after exercise. The receptors in your brain interact with endorphins which trigger positive and favorable moods.
30 minutes of exercise for 3-5 times a week should significantly improve your symptoms. But even as little a 10-15 minutes a day could make a difference. Exercise enables –
• Positive thinking
• Relaxation
• Induces happiness
Passive Relaxation with Awareness
Balance your exercise with passive relaxation. Make time for yourself to just “be in the moment”:
- Take a warm bubble bath
- Sit and watch a sunset
- Talk with friends face to face
- Listen to soft beautiful music
- Plant or arrange some flowers
- Sit & watch the birds (NOT TV or video games)
Healthy Lifestyle
You will find relief from your depression if you pursue a healthy lifestyle. Here are few a helpful tips –
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Get at least eight hours of sleep.
- Drink sufficient water.
- Exercise 3-5 times a week
- Cut back on alcohol (It’s a depressant, after all!)
- Cut back on “Screen time”
- Use passive relaxation with awareness
Set Goals
To break out from the clutches of depression, set small, measurable short-term goals. When you focus on accomplishing your goals, you develop forward momentum and feel better about your life.
Reach Out
When you identify that you are feeling miserable for a long duration, reach out for help. I offer counseling for depression, and have been specializing in depression treatment for 40 years. Together we will identify the core of the problem and help you take steps to bring about positive lasting change.