If you are going through a tough phase in your life, feeling low is normal for a while. But if you continue to feel miserable and unhappy for a long time, it can be a sign of depression.
Take a depression test by going through the following top symptoms of depression and find out whether you are showing any of these warning signs. This test is not a diagnosis but an aid to help you decide your next step:
Signs of Depression
- Feeling hopeless and helpless
– Bleak outlook towards life
– Thinking that there’s nothing you can do to make things better
- Lack of energy
– Feeling exhausted and lethargic most of the time
– Body feels heavy and small tasks tire you out
- Loss of interest in hobbies and activities
– Not interested in your usual pastimes or hobbies and especially social activities
– Loss of ability to feel and enjoy pleasure
- Irritation and anger
– Threshold of tolerance is low
– Short temper as people get on your nerves
– Feeling restless, agitated and even violent in some situations
- Weight Issues
– Loss of appetite and consequent reduction in body weight
– Binge eating comfort foods especially those which give a sugar-rush and the resultant weight gain
- Changes in sleep patterns
– Waking up in the wee hours of morning because of insomnia
– Sleeping for hours on end due to extreme fatigue
- Self-contempt
– Feeling guilty or worthless
– Being harsh on yourself for the mistakes you think you have committed
- Prolonged Sadness
– Thinking that life is completely meaningless and indifferent to your pain
– Feeling empty from within
- Reckless actions
– Indulging in risky activities like gambling or dangerous sports
– Compulsive substance abuse to escape from pain
- Suicidal tendencies
– Thinking about ways to harm yourself
– Recklessly impulsive behavior
These are some of the most common depression symptoms. If you are experiencing any of these signs of depression, reach out for help!
Depression is very treatable, and acting early can prevent clinical depression, which takes longer to recover from.
The first step is to schedule an appointment, and together we can develop a roadmap for you to live a positive, rewarding life free from depression.